
UCSC Early Education Programs give priority to students who qualify for California Department of Education state subsidies (free or sliding-scale). UCSC campus subsidized spaces at a reduced rate may be available to student parents whose income exceeds CDE requirements. A separate waitlist is maintained for campus subsidized families.

Early application is encouraged.

Wait Pool Registration »

 Call (831) 459-2967 to schedule a tour.

Campus Reduced Tuition (effective July 1, 2023)

(for families not eligible for State Subsidized Rates)

All non-state subsidized tuition fees are reduced by UCSC campus support

Program Rate
Infant Program (children 11-months to 24-months) $1239.68/month
Toddler Program (children 18-months to 36-months) $1031.68/month
Preschool Program (children 3 years - entrance to TK/K) $774.80/month
School Age Program (Kindergarten After School) $411.40/month
School Age Program (Grades 1-3 After School) $357.50/month
School Age Program (Extended care per day)
We offer extended care 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. on public
school closure days during which we remain open
Late Pick Up (per 15 minutes) $22.88
Late Payment $29.12


State Subsidized Monthly Rates  (effective July 1, 2022)

Family Size Monthly Rate
Family Size of 1-2 Income $0–$6,008/mo $0-$639/mo sliding scale
Family Size of 3 Income $0–$6,842/mo $0-$639/mo sliding scale
Family Size of 4 Income $0–$7,941/mo $0-$639/mo sliding scale
Family Size of 5 or more Please contact EES for more information

State Subsidized Care: Free or low-cost care based on sliding scale is available for families who meet CA State eligibility requirements. Check out this Eligibility Chart for subsidized funding income guidelines.

Non-subsidized families with more than one child enrolled receive a 10% family discount on the child with the lowest rate.

Early Education Services programs are open to all student families and children without regard to religion, race, color, national origin, gender, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, or marital status.